Mapping is of vital importance to any society if it is to understand it place in it's world, but isolated and insulated communities are not noted for map making; when local knowledge is enough, anything more than a rough guide is nothing more than curiosity.
But when events have wider implications than the local, without good maps control of any situation is impossible. In addition, if you are wishing to have exclusive control over your populace, then the widespread adoption of good maps may want to be discourages. It is not surprise therefore that the best existing maps have tended to be of sea routes and land masses have, from empire to empire, been poorly maintained.
Most of the maps here are inspired by the work of Mistry Jinx, to whom map making was not just a necessity, but almost a philosophy. Do note, however, that areas that appear empty are only so because of a lack of information, not that there is nothing there!
Please be assured that as more information does come to light, the cartographers will update the maps.

Tepid Lakes and The Beacon of Hope
Centering on Tepid Lakes, this also shows the area from Sarn in the south up to Heldon Heights (The Beacon of Hope)